Monday, June 20, 2011

Stuff I'm Liking Now

When the 0's (naughts? 2000's?) are fond memories and I look back, what are the things that I'll want to remember?  What are the legwarmers and Breakfast Club and Doc Martens of these times?  Not that I'm claiming the things I am obsessing over are bound to be instant classics (I'm pretty sure I have never actually worn a pair of leg warmers) but I just want to jot down the things that are making me happy these days.
Because I run and work and eat and sleep and pretty much live with a song in my head if not on my iPod, we'll start with the tunes I'm digging.

Young the Giant  First, love the name.  Second, their song "My Body" is a running anthem ("my body tells me no but I want more, more"!).  Third, I can listen to all of their new self-titled album.  It is just good, all of it.  My fave is probably "Cough Syrup"---with lyrics like, "these zombies in the park/they're looking for my heart" how can you go wrong?

(speaking of music, does everyone know about's mp3 deals of the day?  you can get whole albums for $3.99.  word!)
Anyone who read the last post knows of my love of food.  My major obsession right now, the one thing I absolutely can't get enough of and always have one around:

Lindt Dark Chocolate with a Touch of Sea Salt are not candy bars you find at the impulse section of the grocery store up by the cashier.  These are serious.  These are to be eaten slowly and savored.  Even a junkie like me can take a respectable square and be satisfied.  The Swiss have taken all that free time they have from being neutral and uninvolved  and applied it to making the best freakin chocolate and adding lovely things to make it even better.  Try one.  And then be prepared to always want one.
Sons of Anarchy  Once the season finales are all over and we have finally cleared our DVR we always seem to find some new show that we must watch 3 seasons of to get caught up with the rest of the world.  (First it was Lost, then Fringe, then HIMYM, all worth the time we put in!)  This summer it seems it will be Sons of Anarchy.  A couple of my facebook peeps are always posting about it.  I know Katey Sagal won an award for it.  But I was reluctant to get involved in yet another show.  And one about bikers?  As much as I love a bad boy AND people with too many tattoos, I was still hesitant.  Since we can get it on Netflix on the Wii it was very convenient so we decided to dive in.  The first two episodes were confusing and everyone is horrible.  But then I realized I kinda love these horrible people and I want to see how they are going to eff up their lives now.  And each others.  And their kids.  It's one of those shows both me and J like.  Drama, motorcycles, druggies, racial tension, sex, and this guy's in it:

Gotta jump off so this will be continued but I have one more I just gotta get in.  Super 8.  I've been waiting so long to see this and was so excited to see JJ Abrams team up with Steven Spielberg   And then they threw in some Kyle Chandler for good measure.  The critics loved the movie.  J thought it was eh, but I think he went in expecting Aliens or something.  I was enthralled from the opening scene.  It is somehow so quintessentially Spielberg that I felt like I was watching a classic.  It was all the great things I loved about Jaws (suspense!) and E.T. (kids being the heroes & aliens you should sympathize with)  and Stand by Me (group of misfit kids on an adventure) with just a little bit of the flawed characters you have to love, like Lost.  It's not often I say this, but Super 8 was exactly what I expected it to be.