Wednesday, June 22, 2011

More Things I Love

Where else to start than with a website whose very name evokes a smile?  Hello Giggles you complete me!  The website is the brainchild of actress Zooey Deschanel, Sofia Rossi and  Molly McAleer who are apparently the coolest girly-girls in the world.  My love was solidified this morning when I read The Attack of the Tweeenysomethings.  Yes!  This is what I am.  Finally someone has diagnosed my condition!  (@RhondaPSD, this is why we have iCarly on our DVRs!)  It's all the stuff a girl like me loves (the baby sloths! the tiny Warbler!) commented on by talented writers who speak my language, in my dialect. 
They get down to serious business too with cool DIY crafty videos and fashion tips and even a wine review.  Every time I click on their bookmarked link I know I'll be reverted for a moment to a wonderfully Lisa Frank-colored land full of Judy Blume and Dylan McKay-isms.  Thank you Ladies, you brighten my day!