Saturday, June 25, 2011

I'm With the Band

I don't know any girl who doesn't love a musician.  Even someone you'd barely give a glance to walking down the street turns into an object of fascination behind a guitar, or drums or rockin a mic.  There's a confidence that has to come from putting your talents on display and you have to assume that someone that can master the intricacies of music would be more attentive to things, you in particular.  Music is every part of my day, nay life.  The first tape I remember buying myself was INXS and listening over and over to Michael Hutchence croon that "they will never, ever tear us apart."  (what a loss to the music world).  My favorite job ever was working at a record store in college (we didn't even really sell records but every time I watch Empire Records I'm keenly nostalgic).  & it was there after opening up a promo CD with 4 or 5 songs no one had ever heard of that I first fell in love.  Song #3 might have been "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and I remember going back to it later but the last song was "Alive" by Pearl Jam and then I fell hard.  Eddie Vedder's scratchy yet smooth voice was weary and yet eager for me to understand the pain of this kid.  That changed everything for me.  Pop music would never be enough.  And musicians could influence a generation.  I spend almost every waking moment with a song in my head, on my computer, playing on my iPod while I cook or clean or run or eat.  I watch videos (when I can find them) and concerts (thank God for Palladia).  But I'm not a casual listener.  Music is not background for me so I can't listen and type or work.  Because when it's on, I listen.  
So when I ventured back into the world of dating again it's not surprising that I found actual love belting out some serious rock in a Ft. Lauderdale bar (Fat Cats shoutout!).  What was supposed to never work out (a girl you meet at your show doesn't usually lead to an 8 year relationship with a house and 6 animals, does it?) turned out to be the best thing to happen in my life.  And I got to be a part of music from a very different angle.  Musicians are cool and rocking out on stage is fun.  But there's so much more that goes into it.  They work hard and rehearse tirelessly to make sure they're gonna have a good show.  They have to spend hours visiting bars and venues to promote themselves and get gigs.  They suffer disappointments when a place doesn't call back or cancels a show.  They watch other bands, other musicians (sometimes much less talented) advance and get the shows they know they could rock.  They agonize over set lists and timing and harmonies and segues.  And then they get a show and they get up on stage and the place is empty.  Or the people are more interested in their pool game than listening.  Or worse, they're shouting to keep their conversation up over the music.  
But if the band is good enough, the people who are there are cool enough and the night is just right, live music can bring a whole place together.  I have danced with people I probably wouldn't meet in real life.  I have mouthed lyrics with big bouncers most people would side step.  And I have watched these musicians' reasons for doing what they love come to fruition.  Most of them may not get record deals or play to packed stadiums.  But they just might rock your Saturday night.  And they just might make you fall in love, even if it's just for a song.  So tonight I'll be rocking out at Mt. Lookout Tavern with The Touchables.  Which local band will you be supporting???